one way or another…

as a triptych, hung horizontally

as a triptych, hung vertically

The work is inspired by ongoing research, to do the juxtaposition of found wire(mesh), sea and stone; movement, stillness, flashes of light.

So here they are hung horizontally and vertically. They could also be hung with spacing or as individual works (see earlier posting).

They are painted in water mixable oil paint and pigment, currently my mediums of choice, offering a flat and fat surface that can be delicately over-painted and cut into. I masked up the sides/edges of the canvases prior to painting so as to emphasis a boundary/ other dimension.

paintings: 50,51,52

Sea & Stone research: following several weeks of thought and digital experiments on how to resolve three paintings, an unexpected day in the studio due to intense and sustained rainfall, brought out the bright red pigment and oil; a triptych (?)

© 50,  oil on canvas, Philip Bennetta, 2019
© 51, oil on canvas, Philip Bennetta, 2019
© 52 oil on canvas, Philip Bennetta, 2019